Vienna Zen Center: Retreats


Teachers: Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN, Jan Sendzimir JDPSN.  

Start: 07:00

End: 16:00

Zen Days are short retreats that give us an opportunity to deepen our practice and come back to our breath. We look through our habitual thought patterns and find the source of our deepest wisdom and compassion.

This (hybrid) Zen Day will take place at the Zen Center as well as via Zoom. – Please register soon so we can plan!

Update: We are happy to have the support of the Zen Center Bratislava as co-organizer of this Zen Day.

Beginners are warmly welcome!

“Most of our retreats are relatively short: one, two, or three days, or perhaps three months. But Buddha practiced very hard for six years and Bodhidharma sat for nine years in a cave above Shao Lin Temple. How can we possibly attain what they got? Actually, it’s very simple: At this moment, just apply yourself with sincere effort in asking this question: What am I? That means investigating closely. That means cutting off all thinking — waking up from your like and dislike dream. At that point, you and Buddha and Bodhidharma become one.” (Zen Master Dae Kwang)

Registration and information:ta.ne1729578645zmuna1729578645wk@of1729578645ni 1729578645 or via the contact form.

We kindly request registration at least 3 days before the retreat!

Fee: guests/non-members: €50.-, members: €40.-; online participation: €30.-; Dharma teachers (in training): €25.-. Discounts by individual arrangement are possible.


06:50 Eintritt Zoom Entry via Zoom
07:00 4 Große Gelöbnisse, 108 Niederwerfungen 4 Great Vows, 108 Bows
07:30 2 x 30 Minuten Meditation im Sitzen 2 x 30 minutes sitting meditation
08:40 Chanten: Heart Sutra (in English)

Große Dharani (> Textlink)

Chanting: Heart Sutra (in English)

Great Dharani (> link to the texts)

09:00 Frühstück + Arbeit (schweigend) Breakfast + work (in silence)
10:30 3 x 30 Minuten Meditation im Sitzen

Koan bzw. Beratungsgespräch

3 x 30 minutes sitting meditation

Kong-an (consulting interviews)

12:30 Mittagsessen (schweigend) Lunch  (in silence)
13:30 3 x 30 Minuten Meditation im Sitzen 3 x 30 minutes sitting meditation
15:25 Dharma-Rede oder Gruppengespräch Dharma talk/circle talk
16:00 4 Große Gelöbnisse


4 Great Vows



*Bank account: Koreanische Zen Gemeinschaft
Raiffeisen Bank. IBAN: AT95 3200 0000 1179 4252; Swift: RLNWATWW
Purpose: “Zen Day, May 13, 2023”.


⇒ German version