We cordially invite you to a
Weekend Zen Retreat with Koan Practice:
Back to “Don’t Know”
This short retreat with ZM Hyon Ja and Knud Rosenmayr JDPSN offers you an opportunity to deepen your personal practice together with the community!
Friday, October 7 to Sunday, October 9, 2022.
The retreat will take place, including all meals, in the Zen Center’s new, friendly premises in Vienna’s seventh district: We practice, cook and eat together.
Participants from Vienna/the surrounding area will spend the night at home. We are happy to help find suitable accommodations for participants coming from out of town. – Please contact us as soon as possible!
Koan and consulting interviews can be completed in German, English, and Spanish.
Friday, Oct. 07: 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Zen meditation, walking meditation, chanting; 3 meals, work periods; followed by: Dharma talk + Q&A.
Saturday, Oct. 08: 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.: Zen meditation, walking meditation, chanting; 3 meals, work periods.
Sunday, 09.10.: 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.: Zen meditation, walking meditation, chanting; 2 meals, work periods. Afterward, there will be a Baby Ceremony for Bruno and a Precepts Ceremony.
End at 4:00 p.m.
With registration, we ask you for a deposit of €20.-*.
Participation at the Zen Center (incl. meals): €125,*-; online participation: €70,-*.
Cost reduction by arrangement…
Contact address for more information and registration:
ta.ne1739265926zmuna1739265926wk@of1739265926ni1739265926 (Chris, Knud), Tel. 0680 / 55 396 11 (Knud).
Registration deadline: October 1, 2022.
Health Info/Preliminary Testing:
Out of respect for the safety of all participants, we request a Covid test prior to the event :)
*Bank details: Koreanische Zen Gemeinschaft
Raiffeisen Bank. IBAN: AT95 3200 0000 1179 4252. Swift: RLNWATWW
Purpose: Retreat, October 2022.