Vesakh Morgenpraxis am 11. Mai 2024 im Zen Zentrum Wien


We practice together and learn about the tradition of Vesak celebrations in the Buddhist world.

Teacher: ZM Hyon Ja (Jo-Alma Potter)
Start: 07:00 am
End: approx. 12 noon

– The exact schedule will be announced on May 10. –

This morning practice will take place at the Zen Center and via Zoom. — Please register soon so that we can plan!

Fee: guests/non-members: €35.-, members: €25.-; online participation: €30.-; Dharma teachers (in training): €20.-. Discounts are possible by individual arrangement*.


Vesak commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and complete expiration of the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama and thus his exit from the cycle of rebirth (samsara).

The festival originates from the Theravada Buddhist tradition and is now celebrated by Buddhists all over the world as the most important common holiday. It also serves as a conscious search for the similarities and common roots of the various Buddhist traditions around the world. In the Theravada countries of Southeast Asia in particular, Vesak is celebrated as the biggest festival of the year.

This year, the Vesak celebration falls on Thursday, May 23, 2024, and will be celebrated by the Austrian Buddhist Religious Community on May 26 at the Peace Pagoda by the Danube. — Link for further information:


*Bank account: Koreanische Zen Gemeinschaft
Raiffeisen Bank. IBAN: AT95 3200 0000 1179 4252; Swift: RLNWATWW
Purpose: “Morning practice, May 11, 2024”.

⇒ German version